…the birds of the heavens and they will tell you. Job 12:7

Before I began writing Feathers from Heaven, my faith based children’s book, birds would find a way to align with me. I feel such a profound love and connection to these magnificently beautiful winged creatures. There is something so special about them.

I see God’s perfect creation that was made by HIM to be closest to the sky—to Heaven.

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“Pour out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4

My writing process involves immense spirituality—praying, diving deep into the Bible and connecting to HIM through the Holy Spirit. Cultivating a relationship with our Savior requires more than just going to church. Although going to church and seeking HIS word is immensely important for our soul, we need to also seek HIM daily in an intimate way. Read More

Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself. ~Martin Luther King Jr.

God made it immensely clear that my writing must edify HIS name and make it known. When I first began my journey in becoming an author, the children’s books I produced were secular and doors were not opening. HE had a plan to transform all of my stories, but most importantly my broken heart.

My love for HIM is extravagant and I am no longer afraid to proclaim it. Read More