Growing Through Unexpected Soil

Are you in a season of wait? Waiting is tremendously difficult no matter what you have asked God for—especially when you feel like He is not answering your prayers. What if the seed you have placed in His hands, is actually growing—through unexpected soil? 

Our situations of wait may be completely different from one another because there are endless needs and scenarios, but one thing I know for sure—no matter what situation of wait God has placed you in, the feelings we experience are the same. Emotions such as hopelessness, doubt, worry, fear, agony and despair. 

For over two years I have been in a season of waiting for God to open doors for my work. In March of this year, God opened the first door of my journey in the most magnificent and unexpected way—but it was only the first door of many that need to be miraculously opened by Him. 

Let me tell you, this whole waiting for one door after another to open is utter agony at times. My soul is pinned in the middle of this hallway where I am constantly looking behind me to the previously opened door but pleading for the one in front to open. 

The following verse carries me through times I feel weak, weary and begin to doubt.

Isaiah 40:31

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;

they shall mount up with wings like eagles;

they shall run and not be weary;

they shall walk and not faint.

 In my personal season of wait, my spirit of self-will plus independence had to be broken so that God was free to work His will in my life and circumstances.

Here are three things I’ve assimilated through my own season of waiting.

1. If HE is making you wait it’s because HE is preparing you for what is to come.

• Transforming your inner relationship with Him—molding your soul and drawing you closer to His teachings. 

• Reshaping your plans in order for His name to be magnified through it all. 

• Purifying and strengthening you—building a Heavenly Kingdom confidence through suffering. 

This way, when He answers your prayer, your spiritual soil is completely ready to grow it and will be a testimony of God accomplishing the impossible. Let’s face it, God loves to show His glory and power in situations of impossibility. 

When I wonder why God is taking so long to answer my petition, I remember the man in the Bible who was sick for thirty-eight years. 

This man waited by the healing pool year after year for an angel to descend. The first person who would enter the pool was cured from all disease. The problem was that this man realized he would never be able to be the first one in the pool, for he did not have the ability to move. Yet he had this hope deep within his soul. 

John 5:5-9 

One man was there who had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, “Do you want to be healed?” The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, and while I am going another steps down before me.” Jesus said to him, “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.” And at once the man was healed, and he took up his bed and walked.

We see how his years of enduring resulted in a beautiful miracle.

2. Seasons of trials and waiting bring us closer to Him. We learn to seek God more through…

• Prayer

• Reading His word

• Cultivating a deep yearning for His love.

My dear friends, I could not emphasize enough the power of praying. I’ve learned that bending my knees is an honor and a privilege. It’s that sacred time where I talk to my best friend. 

Our Heavenly Father will wait the time necessary to fulfill your miracle because it’s in His timing. You cannot plan or anticipate how anything will unravel, but you need to have the certainty that HE is already there at the finish line. A silent orchestrator aligning and growing all things behind the scenes—things not visible to the human eye, but things you can feel. That’s what faith is. Trusting God completely, even though we cannot see how He is growing us in this unexpected soil.

Psalm 130:5

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,

and in his word I hope;

One thought on “Growing Through Unexpected Soil

  1. Thank you my sister Arlene, I desperately needed to read this message, I hope you will remember me in your prayers, I love your words because I know it’s always from your heart ❤️ you’re an inspiration and value your faith, God bless you ?

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